Our business has a social responsibility as a way of ploughing back to the community that support us.
Our social responsibility is divided into three categories:
Learners support
Leaners support is also divided in to two :
I. We will buy a uniform for any needy leaner, the leaner will be expected to get just one client for us
II. Ten percent of our annual profit will be use to sponsor leaners who are at FET and universities who happened to be vulnerable by virtue of having no parents
Churches support
Ten percent of the annual contribution from a particular church will be donated to the church will be donated to the church as tithes from the business
If we have had a service from the church the business will pay 5% of the profit back to the church as tithes
In the period of five years we will pay 10% of the contribution from the church back to the church as a donation
Community Marathon
As from 2017 we will have an annual marathon that will be conducted in July as a way of promoting healthy, and as a way of taking away the youth from drugs and obesity which is a tread to the future of our beautiful country down to our locality which is Mpumalanga province
Unemployment reduction
At Seluleme we have taken a decision to do our port interns of unemployment reducing. We herring people to work at their communities recruiting clients for us and compensate them in a commission format countless willing community members are benefiting from this program .you can be one
Selelume has already started in its committment to change lives.
Seluleme is expanding its reach, we now have members around Nkomazi and beyond